Employment policy


Providing high-quality services in the field of maritime transport above all implies strict adherence to the international regulations governing maritime safety. In turn, this is directly dependent on the professionalism of captains, crews, and the associated shore-based personnel.

We regard Sovcomflot’s team as an important competitive advantage for our group. Our personnel policy is aimed at the preservation, strengthening and development of human resources. The company pays particular attention to maintaining a high level of social protection for its team. Sovcomflot is a dependable and stable employer, which complies with all the legal requirements regarding employment, and strictly fulfils its financial obligations to employees. This is appreciated by our personnel, as evidenced by a consistently high retention rate: in 2017 this reached 93.5% for officers and 90.5% for ratings.  

Sovcomflot Group carefully plans the career and professional development of its employees. In 2017, 655 fleet employees received promotion. They included 120 senior officers, 325 junior officers, and 210 ratings. Over the past year, 742 of SCF’s fleet officers and shore staff participated in five seminars organised by different SCF offices.   

The key directions for human resource management activities in 2018 are: 

• enhancing the attractiveness of work on the Group’s vessels, combined with improving the system for selecting, training and manning ships with competent crews; 

• improving social protection for seafarers and on-shore employees in conditions of economic instability; 

• facilitating a further improvement in personnel motivation, and continuing the implementation of the Group’s long-term incentive programme designed for the next five years. At the start of the project, in 2015, the best captains and chief engineers employed on Sovcomflot’s vessels became its participants. 

Corporate Pension Programme

The Pension Programme designed for Sovcomflot seafarers has been functioning since 2007, and is being implemented jointly with Ingosstrakh Life. Sovcomflot makes monthly contributions from its own funds for seafarers, in proportion to the time worked on a ship.   

Upon reaching retirement age (60 years for men, 55 years for women), the programme participants may receive the accumulated funds at any time, either in full or in monthly payments.  

At the beginning of 2018, 4,918 shipboard employees of SCF Shipping were members of the Pension Programme. Since the beginning of the Programme, 274 seafarers have received pension payments totalling more than 71 million roubles. 

At present, sailors, motormen and mess stewards are covered by another pension programme implemented by the company in cooperation with the Russian Seafarers Trade Union. 

Since 2007 SCF Shipping has implemented a pension programme for its seafarers in partnership with Ingosstrakh-Zhizn. The company makes monthly contributions to its employees’ pension, proportionate to their length of service. Contributions from SCF Shipping to its employees’ pension funds total USD 1.5 million per year. The company also makes additional contributions to seafarers over 55 years of age in order to top up their personal pension account.

As soon as a participant in the programme reaches pensionable age (60 for Russian men, and 55 for Russian women), he may at any time receive access to these funds, either in their entirety or as monthly payments.

As of November 2014, 4068 employees of the SCF fleet were part of the pension programme. Since the start of the programme 141 employees have received pension payments, totalling USD 705,000.

Currently the programme is not available to sailors, engineers or stewards. These employee categories are covered by a separate pension programme, which the company implements in partnership with the Seafarers’ Union of Russia.