Disclosure of information

PAO Sovcomflot is obliged to provide a copy of every communication published by the company in accordance with the Regulations on disclosure of information on issuers of equity securities, affirmed by the Order of the Russian Federal Service for the Financial Markets of 04.10.2011 № 11-46 (as amended), and also a copy of other documents, the compulsory disclosure of which is foreseen by chapter VIII of these Regulations, to holders of PAO Sovcomflot securities and other interested parties if so requested by them, within seven days of such a request being made, providing that the company is reimbursed their expenses in a sum no greater than the cost of producing the copies requested.

Access to documents (the issuing of copies of documents) is provided in response to requests made by a company’s director or corporate secretary in any written form. The request must include the full name of the person addressing the request (for legal persons this is the name and location), the quantity and category (type) of shares owned by them, the name of the requested document, and the type of request (to view certain documents or and/or to receive copies of them).

The banking details for the operating account of PAO Sovcomflot, for paying the cost of copying documents:

PAO Sovcomflot
Individual Taxpayer № 7702060116
Tax Registration Code: 997650001
Operating Account № 40702810900000001004
RCBIC: 044525187
Corporate account № 30101810700000000187
VTB Bank (joint-stock company), Moscow

The expenses of PАО Sovcomflot for copying documents:

Quantity of copied pages. Price of copying one page (roubles)
Without postage Including postage
до 10 6,09 7,53
от 11 до 100 0,80 1,18
от 101 до 200 0,50 0,79
от 201 до 300 0,41 0,67
от 301 до 400* 0,36 0,63

*— The maximum quantity of pages that can be posted.